Get charged up about everything

Get charged up about everything

In today’s world, it’s not uncommon to see people walking around with multiple devices. You’ve got your phone for texting, Instagram stalking, and playing Candy Crush on the bus. Then there’s your laptop for work, your iPad for Netflix binges, and your Apple watch to track your steps and remind you to breathe. With so many devices, it’s a wonder we’re not all walking around like robots.

But have you ever stopped to think about the absurdity of having so many devices? I mean, imagine trying to explain it to someone from the 90s. “Yes, I carry around a phone, a laptop, an iPad, and a watch. No, it’s not too much.”

The other day, I was sitting in a coffee shop and I overheard a woman boasting about how she had just bought a brand new tablet. “It’s got an 8-inch screen and runs on the same operating system as my phone,” she bragged. I couldn’t help but chuckle. Does this woman not have enough screens in her life already? How much Netflix can one person watch at once?

And don’t even get me started on the accessories. We’ve got phone cases, laptop sleeves, smartwatch bands, and tablet stands. It’s like our devices are our babies, and we need to accessorize them accordingly.

I’ll admit that I’m guilty of being a “multiple device” person. But sometimes, I look at my phone, my laptop, my iPad, and my watch all sitting next to each other and wonder: Why can’t we just have one device that does everything? Something that’s small enough to carry around, but powerful enough to handle all our needs.

Of course, there are some devices that try to do it all. Take the Samsung Galaxy Fold, for example. It’s a phone that folds out into a tablet, with two screens and six cameras. But at a whopping $2,000, it’s not exactly accessible to the average person.

So, for now, we’ll just keep carrying around our arsenal of devices, accessorizing them with cute cases and trendy bands. Because in this day and age, having multiple devices isn’t a luxury — it’s a necessity. Whether we like it or not.